Wednesday, November 01, 2006

US$1.89 million Solid Gold Brassiere ~ World's Most Expensive Bra

I'm sure many have already known about the World's most expensive bra since it was revealed (pun intended) in late September, 2006. If you haven't, fret not. Here are the photos to feast your eyes.

Can you see how the bra digs into her flesh? How comfortable could that be? It's a wonder she did not turn blue and collapse while modelling this bra made by Korea's Fashion House, Golden Zone.

Golden Zone could have hired a model less endowed or made a bra one cup larger. But then, the bra would have cost them more than US$1.89 million.

Come to think of it, this bra will fit me to a T tee hee


Gallivanter said...

Definitely a really expensive looking bra, that explains the model. LOL

CyberPartyGal said...

Hehehe so bad. Everybody is beautiful. She is just not to your taste :p

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