Saturday, October 21, 2006

BraBall ... Huh? What? Why?

I believe most of us have heard of the Pink Ribbon and know that October is a month dedicated to creating Breast Cancer Awareness, led by Estee Lauder's Breast Cancer Foundation.

Do know know about the Braball?

The braball idea was mooted by an artist by the name of Emily Duffy in 2000, and was completed in 2003.

It was made as a tribute to women and at the same time creating awareness to a very personal part of a woman's body. The braball is, after all, dedicated to Jessica, Emily's best friend, who is a breast cancer survivor.

To read more about the braball, please visit The Braball.


Gallivanter said...

What an "uplifting" story. LOL!

CyberPartyGal said...

Thank you for commenting. Am glad you found this post uplighting! :p

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