Sunday, October 29, 2006

Backless Lingerie to Counter Whale Tails

While some women may like to show off their whale tail, some people think it's bad manners to show them off. And for people like me, even if the whale tail is unseen, I'd rather it be as small as possible.

So what happens if you do not want to show off your whale tail and yet want the liberty to wear low slung pants?

You may want to try out the "backless lingerie". Well, it's called "backless lingerie" but it's actually just "backless thong".

As sold by

I am from a backwater town in Malaysia and I am not even sure if these are available in Kuala Lumpur.

Looking at the picture, it doesn't seem comfortable to wear and it looks like it's in danger of falling off anytime. And it also looks so tight that it eats into the flesh.

But looks can be deceiving. I personally would love to get my hands on a pair just for product testing. I wonder if it's suitable for daily wear or just good for that special occasion *ahem*

I wonder how well Malaysian women, in general, will take to these backless lingerie.

Related post: Whale Tail ~ Thong Exposed!


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